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Officiating is a fantastic way to get involved in the development and growth of Table Tennis. Our sport provides courses for a diverse range of accreditation levels to ensure that we will have a structured course to suit your officiating requirements, goals, and personal aspirations.
Table Tennis officials are divided into two separate categories, Umpires, and Referees. The Umpire's responsibility is to control the particular match, whilst the Referee's responsibility is to oversee and control a tournament.
The National Table Tennis Officiating Scheme is coordinated through Table Tennis Queensland and Table Tennis Australia. We manage and coordinate several accreditation levels through which members can progress through. There is a variety of officiating qualifications available that focus on all skill levels to guarantee we fulfill your needs and requirements.
We offer introductory courses that cover the basic skills required for officiating at Club Level tournaments, right through to State and National Courses and International Courses that are aimed at officials looking to develop skills that will enable them to officiate at Higher and Elite Level Tournaments.
Table Tennis Queensland manages and organises the Association, State, and National Umpiring Courses as well as State Referees Courses as required throughout Queensland. All the higher-level courses are run by our National Sporting body, Table Tennis Australia in conjunction with the International Table Tennis Federation.
Table Tennis Queensland conducts several Officiating Courses throughout the year for our Queensland Members.
For the next confirmed scheduled Officiating Course dates please check our Course Calendar link or alternatively please ensure to email the TTQ office to register your interest for the next available Officiating Course.
Want to hold an Umpire or Referee Course at your Local Club - If your local club has several people (minimum of 6 participants required) interested in becoming an official, please don't hesitate to contact the TTQ office to discuss the opportunity of holding a course at the club.
To be recognised as an Accredited Official by our Sport, all officials will need to complete the appropriate officiating course and accreditation certificate requirements. You will be required to be a current Table Tennis Queensland Member and ensure you are a current Queensland Blue Card holder.
If you are interested in becoming a qualified official, completing an officiating re-accreditation or upgrading your current officiating accreditation, then please click on the links below for all of the latest information regarding the various officiating qualifications and accreditation requirements.
To register for accreditation, you will be required to be a current Table Tennis Queensland Member and ensure you are a current Queensland Blue Card holder. It is essential that these prerequisites remain current at all times during the extent of your Accreditation to preserve your certificate's validity. Accreditations will need to be updated prior to the expiry date to maintain your Accreditation Certificate.
To register or re-register your Accreditation, please ensure to complete all requirements that are a necessity for all Queensland Officials prior to processing. Once you have completed these prerequisites indicated in the above links, then you can proceed to submit your application for processing through Table Tennis Australia.
For more information, please contact the office of Table Tennis Queensland admin@tabletennisqld.org